Beiträge von mare

    28kw has wider turbolators. Flue gas stays longer in your boiler/kessel. So its normal thats your fan runs beetween 80% and 95%. the 28kw version just burn faster than 22kw. It also depends how thick your wood is splited and how dry it is.

    Hello again

    We tested s4 22 with 10 senzors on puffer and software how much power in kw,puffer gets. With 2 years old buche wood, Flue gas was set to 190C lambda 9%. Kst was around 35% ventilator was around 40%.
    So resoults was that boiler output was 22kw. So that we realized that if the ventilator works under 50% that dosent mean that the boiler works at half power.

    with wos. I heard that lambda in S3 was only for some markets. Our dealer had great deal for 6000 you got s3 (basic version) and a 1800 bufffer. If you paid a you got stronic plus with lambda. So basicly you got a great boiler just, but cheaper then s4.

    Ok, i was a little anoying with that fast burning and more power. This year a did a lot changing of the setting. So i got to the conclusion that the best setting for "geeting out of wood". Flue gas set point 190C, max flue gas 235C, i putted my buffer pump to 1-speed.Strangregurlierventil on return is setted to max flow. I got the same resoults if i put pump to max speed and Strangregurlierventi to 16l/min. So at least the pump is not working so hard. On speed 1. pump works around 75-85%, and i get layering in puffer a lot better. Boiler work around Kst 35-50%, so the burns are long. In the end i come back to the start :silly: I think this settting is final. ;)

    I wonder if anyone tried to change the output from 22kw to 28kw, cos the 15-22-28 kw are the same by construction. Is there anything else that you need to change or you just change in service menu and you chose the 28kw model?

    hello again

    my setting now are working flue gas temp 250 from 190C, boiler temp 80 and return 60, o2 9%.
    Now the boiler works alwasy at full power, return pump is on 100%. i adjusted the return valve to about 23L/min.
    Got stable temp of the boiler 80C. And a lot cleaner upper chamber.

    Full load of mixed wood, start at 40 up and 30 down in puffer, vorlauf was today about 48C. Burned in 6 hours. The puffer of 1660L was heated to 80 75 67. I think now i get more out of the boiler.

    the puffer on top is 83 sometimes 85. What i learnd is with higher flue gas temp the pump works faster. When the KT drops a little so the pump does. Today i will try to set the working flue gas temp to 220.

    Last weekend i loaded fully buche i little more tick pieaces around 15-20cm wide. It was 11hour burning time. Puffer was full around 3/4.

    Factory setting is boiler temp 80C, return 60C. What you mean by that "Your spreading from 63° to 83° isn´t the best. Try to reach a spreading of about 10°". Too set the return to 73? Only if its higher flue gas temp the retun pump works faster.

    today burning its lower quality

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    Return pump and valve
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    tacosster valve
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    chamber after 6% lambda set, the burn was intense, chamber was orange glowing
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    lambda 9%, ventilator goes to 36%. Burn is not intense.
    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    the pump is on the max seeting, and is also controled by the boiler from 45-100%. At the begining is 45% and the first half our till the boiler reaches 83C.
    When i set to 6% the flue gas is high reaches 240C, then when the boiler reaches 83C the ventilator goes slowly down to reach "working flue gas temperature" wich is factory set to 190C, you can change that. On lambda 9% i rarely see that intense fire and orange
    chamber but the combustion chamber is cleaner and grey.

    Moisture of the wood is between 15-22% maybe some oak piece is around 25-27%

    lambda 6%

    the return pump with tacosetter valve set to 20L/min

    o2 set to 9% buche wood, ventilator goes quite low to 35%


    The pump starts at 67%, boiler reaches 83C in about 40min and stays on 83C. The return is on 63 all the time.

    Yesterday i changed lambda to 6% the flame was intense and the chamber was orange. But i looked the chamber this morning and it was a little black and gray...thats not good. Today i changed back to 9%.


    My settings of the s4 are

    boiler temp 83
    return temp 63
    flue gas working temp set to 190C
    lambda is set to 9%

    Most of the time my ventilator works around 50%. At summer it takes 7 hours too fill up the 1700l puffer for hot water. i think thats is quite long.

    whats are yours settings of the boiler? should i go for lower lambda % ?

    ps, sory to write in eng, cos i dont come from germany.